Go Wire Free

Why do women wear an underwire bra? To get the appearance of a fuller figure or to look and feel more attractive? Or is it to just follow a trend which the fashion industry has introduced which actually has ghastly health effects. Wunderfit’s range of products such as the encircle full coverage bra provide adequate support to all sizes eliminating the need for an underwire completely.

Ill fitted underwire bras and underwire bras which have been subjected to rough washing techniques usually cause a lot of damage to sensitive breast tissue and the under bust area.

Challenges of under wire bras includes:

1) Darkened skin tones:

Due to the tightness and metallic nature of the underwire, there is non-flexible pressure onto the skin directly. As opposed to the padded bra made of cotton and polyamide fabrics with defined under bust stitching ensure that no matter how u move the touch on the skin remains gentle.

This metallic nature of the underwire cause’s friction leading to darkness on prolonged wearing of the bra.

2) Digging of the wire ends into the skin:

The central portion of the bra has the wire ends, which are usually secured by a stitch only.

If the stitch frays, it poses the risk for the bra to open up exposing the wired central portion. Even if the stitch does not fray, certain sitting postures such as slouching may put additional pressure on the central portion of the bra making the skin subject to injury

3) Tightening of the underbust area:

The underwire bra usually provides additional support to the cup size and is used by women who can to get added support. But the same thing can cause tightness in and around the bust area, as the tight or ill fitted bra can prove to cause tightness around the rib cage, in order to provide enhanced support.

These tight bras can cause breathing challenges due to prolonged use as well.

4) Discomfort during prolonged journeys:

Assume that you have to travel a little bit of distance and you are wearing an underwire bra. If for some reason your journey has been delayed due to a flight cancellation etc. How long would u be comfortable sitting in that posture in the same bra.

Usually women sleep off or read a book or just listen to music on a long journey. But all these activities involve slouching. And slouching is bad posture which will also affect the placement of the bra strap and the under bust area. Hence underwired bras are not ideal for long journeys,

5) Need for delicate and proper washing to ensure shape and quality are intact:

Rough and improper care taken while washing an underwire bra may cause it to bend or loosen the stitch over the wired area, this may cause significant discomfort while wearing the bra and is not at all advisable. Ideally special lingerie wash bags are to be used to wash lingerie to protect and maintain the integrity of the fabric.

Wunderfit believes every woman, every real woman, not just a fashion model deserves the best of comfort when it comes to innerwear. As a mother, wife, sister, daughter, employee, business owner women do a lot of things in the day. The things they do for others can only be accomplished with ease if they themselves are comfortable and healthy.

With this thought in mind Wunderfit products ensure the safest grade cotton and polymers are used for the apparel and most natural elements are used in the wellness products to ensure good health and vitality along with serving the purpose of comfort.

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